
Sun Storage 7000

A unique layered data filtering system, totaling up to 288 Tb, is a solution using Sun's Open Solaris system, and the new disk formatting standard using the ZFS (Zeta File System), where you can write a file 1 Zb integer without major problems.

For use as a database, it must be excellent, since many databases, occupy, on average, their 2 GB of space, and are expanding more and more.

Databases such as Data Warehouse, use an only increasing update mode, that is, any changes, updates, deletions, are recorded as new records, with date, time, processing reasons, user name, among others.
In spite of being an extreme security solution, we also have a caution in mind since it is a database that, since it does not change information, and adds, so it grows quickly in size.
Using Sun's solution, the Sun Storage 7000, combining the new partition mode with a DataWarehouse base, it is possible to increase the security and reliability of the information.
Information is essential for an organization, but we don't need to use proprietary products and services. Sun leaves its operating system open source, so it can be easy to update and add new features and utilities, and I believe this is really an excellent idea for a company as big as itself, in creating software and solutions for the business market.

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