
Free VPS Services

A VPS server, as it is quickly located by Google, are semi-dedicated servers, that is, they are independent virtualized operating systems for each user to use, connected at a reasonable internet speed for various applications.

Updated: November 21, 2010
In Brazil, we have servers like these hosted at prices starting at R $ 400.00 / month, and in the USA we find them starting at US $ 12.00. But it turns out that this site: (currently is providing VPS servers with Fedora installed completely Free * for testing, so that you have access to the internet through the firefox browser, emails and MSN through this virtual machine, provided by Sun Microsystems. In order for you to have your free VPS, you must have a valid email address in order to confirm your address, and then, you must have on your computer, some applications to run Java applications, since when you log in to the website, it makes you download a Java applet, which downloads an extremely compact VNC client, full of compression options and more,limited only to the connection to their server. The service is Beta, but it is worth checking and purchasing yours, as it may be for a limited time!

The website ceased to exist, and has now migrated to the website, and continues to offer the service, however for testing, through registration on the website. But the focus now is an application for iPhone, iPad and Android, from which the user can access the "VPS" remotely, having their own desktop, with Firefox, spreadsheets, from anywhere, wherever they are, depending only on the Internet connection. It is worth checking!

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