1 Petabyte media - finally arrived

In 2008, scientists from the University of Swinburne, Australia, started a project with a 5-year forecast and a project valued at $ 1 million dollars, and, a little late, but finally they succeeded.
They used ordinary DVD media of 4.7 gigabytes of capacity, and were able to store 1000 terabytes of data (or 976,562 GB of data) just by working against established laws of physics regarding light beams.
Dr. Zongsong Gan, responsible for the project, received an award from the Victoria Fellowship, which encouraged further research.
His team was able to compress the data by working only with improvements regarding the laser beam. By convention, it was established that a beam of light could not be less than 500 nanometers, known as the "light diffraction limit", but they sought to break this barrier.
The technique consists of emitting a red laser wrapped with another around it in purple, blocking the recording action for its surrounding elements, and this guaranteed to record the data with distances of 9 nanometers.
Red Laser beam wrapped with Purple to block recording action on nearby sectors.
Case Reference Sources:
Revista Abril, 2014: http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/ti/2014/10/pesquisador-consegue-armazenar-1-000-tb-num-dvd-comum.shtml
PC Guide, 2009: http://www.guiadopc.com.br/noticias/1027/mdia-de-1-petabyte-blu-ray-coisa-do-passado.html
Folha UOL, 2008: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/informatica/ult124u390041.shtml
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