
How to backup all your photos from your computer and memory cards for free with Google Photos Backup

When you have an Android phone, you can upload the photos to Google Photos without taking up space as long as you choose the photo size in high quality (non-original) size, which keeps the photo at maximum 16 Megapixels in size and one general compression but keeps the photo with the same visible appearance.

But when you back up photos from memory cards, or photos that were downloaded on your computer to Google Drive, the photos start to use your available quota space, and no longer the unlimited quota of photos sent by cell phone.

But apart from the Google Drive desktop app, there is another specific app to sync your existing photos to your hard drive, memory cards, external hard drive, and anywhere else on your computer and send them to Google Photos so that it doesn't consume your data quota.

Access the URL to download the backup application of your photos from your computer and memory cards at the link:

Once installed, login and choose the desired folders to perform the synchronization, by default, it already captures the Images folders of your user's library.

Even after it is closed, you can configure the directories to synchronize and search for photos.

See the backup of some photos happening in the example below, as the computer is idle, or internet activity is less, the backup of the photos continue, and start appearing in Google Photos, all of them without consuming your quota of space.
Don't forget to check "high quality (unlimited free storage)" so that the photos are converted to the free format.

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