What NET, Vivo Fibra, Algar, and other Internet ISPs don't want you to know about!

Basic for these last few years, that operators want to do everything to establish data franchises in users' internet plans, to restrict access and promote the sale of business plans at more expensive costs, and to obtain ever greater profits with speed plans and diversified franchise.
But one thing they do not tell their users at all, is that in Brazil, there is no speed above 10 Mbps, and in rare cases, it reaches 15 Mbps, but they do not want you to know this.
With this, the plans of 50 Mbps and 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, are commercialized, however the users in general, are all being deceived, because they do not use even 10% of the speed, although speed meters indicate the use of up to 95% of the speed. contracted speed.
This basically happens because Brazil has little backbone infrastructure with the rest of the world, the backbone of the internet that should be the primary investment of an ISP, leaves aside to focus on selling a poorly implemented product.
And as most of the services that users have are out of the country, everything depends on the speed and quality of these backbones, that is, you watch Netflix, but all your videos arrive on your TV at a mere 10 Mbps and at most 15 Mbps , with enormous latency, because Netflix's servers are thousands of kilometers away from Brazil.
Outside Netflix, you can use Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and yes, all of them, without exception, are out of the country too. In rare cases, Youtube caches some content on servers located in Brazil, but when viewing a video that is not so popular, the local cache does not have the video, and even though it has a 200 Mbps fiber optic internet, your video will crash, especially during peak traffic times.
At night, it is the time that has the highest traffic spikes among home users, as they arrive from work and go to Netflix or Youtube, generating a monstrosity of data traffic over networks, and during the day, consumption is concentrated in companies and service providers.
But if you have an internet of only 10 Mbps, you will not really notice the difference in speed, as this is the real average that a single connection can make abroad, but the reality is that even with 10 Mbps, you it can also be affected.
When performing the famous speed tests, your machine never chooses servers outside the country, it always prefers servers nearby, local, with the lowest ping possible, in this, the operators have servers so close that the connection of your internet with the tested server, nor actually leaves for the Internet, it’s like a local network.
Everything below 3 ms, can be considered something close to the local network, and the speed is practically unlimited for these resources, following to the maximum that the customer has.
But when testing a real environment, downloading videos, files, Linux distributions, the network bottleneck begins.
The main advantage of having a 100 Mbps fiber optic Internet in Brazil, currently, is only use in companies, where several users are accessing at the same time, this is because if you download a file from Microsoft servers, each download comes to 10 Maximum Mbps (or 120 KB / s), but you can do this 10 times at the same time, with other servers or even with the same server.
The backbone of the Internet is smart to detect and reduce the speed per connection session, so the famous download accelerators, which were used in the dial-up era, come back to life, as they can make up to 8 simultaneous connections with a single server, and for intense activity, the higher the internet speed, the more simultaneous services you can perform.
Unfortunately, even with accelerators, much remains to be done, operators should invest more technological resources to reduce latency and increase this average speed of 10 Mbps per session with the United States, but internet operators in the country, are wanting the otherwise: deceive you.
Make the user have a fixed and "unlimited" franchise internet, and on the other hand, they place a backbone that restricts communication with the entire country, due to the lack of infrastructure investments.
See here, some tests performed with an internet network in São Paulo:
Just to compare the speed of the network used.
Comcast in Miami, Florida.
Test in Washington, DC
Test in Los Angeles, California, surprised a little, exceeded the average of 10 Mbps.
Johannesburg, Africa.
China Telecom, located in Shanghai, China.
New York city
London, England.
As you can see, in the test that was applied now, most did not even reach the average of 10 Mbps, even with an internet network above 80 Mbps of connection installed.
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