Chrome starts displaying sites without HTTPS as unsafe in red

The most popular browser currently on the internet is Google Chrome, and it has made significant changes to the way a website is displayed in the URL bar to improve the visibility of websites to users, showing whether it is safe or not.
In July 2017, Google made changes that made sites without https and with some form on the page displaying the message "Not secure", and we did a story on how to adjust the site and make it safe.
But now Google wants to advance its strategy to make the Web more secure, and will display sites like these now with messages in red, in addition to other significant changes. Check out the new changes that will happen soon.
Before July 2017, sites without an SSL certificate were always displayed without any additional information, without a security lock, among other details to inform, no matter how many fields and forms were filled out.
SSL certificates have always been expensive and expensive, but with the adoption of certificates based on domain name, called SNI, which does not depend on a fixed IPv4 IP address, which are incompatible for example in Windows XP, and the popularization of it, made prices fall allowing a safer internet.
And this is what Google bets and wants to do with the internet in general, making all sites safer.
Until July 2017 (Chrome version 56), only sites with https were shown as safe, after that, sites without SSL that showed nothing, started showing that they were not safe in gray, and is expected for July 2018 this message turns red as follows:
It is not yet known exactly if they will be only for sites that contain some form or password field for typing or if it will be for all sites in general.
Another detail that will change, is the text "Safe" that will cease to exist, leaving only the green lock and https: //, because Google believes that this will be the new standard of the Web.
Being a new standard, it makes no sense to consume space by writing "Safe", but it makes sense to show sites that are not safe.
Another change that will be very relevant will be in fact in October 2018, where all sites without SSL in general will be marked as "Not secure" in red, as well as sites with expired or revoked certificates.
Here on the site, we have articles on how to install SSL certificates for free, either using the feature called Let's Encrypt currently available, or through Cloudflare, which is a reverse proxy system for your site. Both have free options, being that Cloudflare just direct the DNS of your site to it, and from Let's Encrypt it would be to install an application on the server for itself to generate certificates as needed, since the certificates last only 3 months at most each.
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